viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013


Bulling is a very important theme of discussion in the present. In the last five years it has turned into a very big problem for children that suffer it, for their families and for society. I really don't know when it turned into a problem. I remember when I was a child about eight years old, bulling existed in the school but not with this name, it was called "matonaje" and the bully was called "matón". The "matón" generally was a child bigger, taller or stronger than the others and he demonstrated him power intimidating and kicking. I remember that the problem finished when someone told it to a teacher or adult. I think that this situations never passed to a higher level (for the victim) because it was limited mainly to physic aggressions only if you didn´t agree for bully requirements. I remember an example, in fifth grade I had a classmate who was bullied every time  by others classmates and him mother passed a lot of time at the school trying to put solution to this problem.
In the present this problem has reached levels never thought before. The attacks don´t restrict only to physic damage, the range has grown up to verbal abuse, psychological aggression even sexual aggression in extreme cases. Today is not used the intimidation to get benefits.Today is discriminated the different people, for example strangers, black people, homosexuals, etc. One factor that has increased this situation is internet by the use of social networks. Practically teenagers show their whole life in internet so it is an easy way to cause damage to someone. Simply by publish a picture, a group can make massive humiliation to other with a lot of negative comments. Currently bulling is a terrible social problem that must be confronted  to be resolved.