jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

A Photograph.
Hi bloggers, in the post of today I´m going to write of a photograph very important for me.
This photo was taken in the final trip of the year of last course of secondary at 2009. In this trip we visit the central litoral of Chile, some of the places we visited were El Quisco, Viña del Mar, Concón, Valparaíso and Lo Vasquez. We stayed  here fot three days in cabins that we rented. This photo was taken specifically at the first night in the cabin I stayed. It shows my group of best friends of the course and me. It was taken after we were playing card, drinking beers, and after a girl broke Rodrigo´s heart (the last guy at the right of the pic). We were cheering up him for a lot of time and when we achieved it and we were laughing we taken the photograph.
I really like this photo because it froze an important moment of friendship and every time I see it again I smile. In the present I continue in touch we all of them, using facebook to talk and sometimes we meet when it is posible. Here is the Photo, see you in the coments of your posts.

miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

Hi classmates I want to tell you an important notice for the readers.
From april 22 to may 5 in the "Plaza de Armas" of Santiago will be a  book fair, in celebrating of international book day. I have visited the fair in 2 times and it is awesome because there are a lot of diferents books of diverse types, for expample texts of fiction, fantasy, romance, drama and tales for kids. There are books for every likes and very attractive deals and discounts. If you love the reading you must to visit this fair, you will get a great time and you will have so much fun.
These are some titles that I liked:

"Los Cuentos de Beedle el Bardo"- J.K. Rowling
"Arthur y la venganza de Maltazard" - Luc Besson

"Arthur y la guerra de los dos mundos" - Luc Besson

"Seres fantásticos y mitológicos"

"Grandes batallas de la segunda guerra mundial"
Besides books the fair provides to the public live music of diferents bands of jazz, so there is no reason to not attend the exhibition. If you want to give a gift to someone, buy a book for yourself or simply you want to stop the routine of Santiago, you must to have a look in the fair of the book.
 I hope to have enough money to buy all the book that I want, I just mentioned tou you a few of them.
See you in the next class!

Hi bloggers! today I´m going to tell you about an ambition that I have.
All my life I have wanted to visit Rome, since I met Roman civilization in school  I wanted to travel to this country. I would like to achieve this ambition because I love the amazing roman culture as base of our current western civilization, specifically the monumental architecture, cause it have remained since empire´s times to present. It shows the great knowledge in construction, engineering, also the studies of proportions and beauty. I think what inspired my ambition was the movie "Gladiator", I always watch this movie whit my father, we really like it. The most importants battles of the film are performed in the Coliseum, show it in all its glory. It will be the first place I will visit when I traver to Rome and I would like to take my dad with me. If I fulfil this ambition would mean too much for me, because it has been the dream of all my life. Also travel to this place with my dad would be very important for me cause it would be a way to thank and reward all the effort and all the things that he has done for me.

jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

Hi readers,
Today I´m going to tell you about a book I recommend, it is called "Harry Potter y el cáliz de fuego" by the british writer J.K. Rowling. I read it in the end of 2011 and I discovered it by curiosity reading the other three first parts of the story, because everyone said " the books are better than movies". Definitely it was true, the books are completely better than movies, beacause it describes the story, the characters and the situations in detail. This book continues the story of Harry Potter, a young wizard who asist to him fourth year in Hogwarts School of Wichcraft and Wizardry. This year he must afront the Triwizard Tournamnet, a magical competition that meets the three most important schools of Europe. Harry carry out dangerous tests to prove him courage taking a risk him life.
I like this book because it describes a lot of magical and mythical creatures and it is really fun to read.
I recommend this book and the others parts at 100%. Currently I´m reading the part five called "Harry Potter y la oden del fénix", I also recommned it because it is very interesting and addictive.
This books have bring to me the love for the reading.
I hope you like this post and I want to read what you have written.

miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

Hi everyone!!!
According to the order of the teacher I´m going to tell you about my favorite website.
As you can imagine my favorite website is Facebook. I´ve been used it since 2009 and since then I have not stopped. I use facebook principally to talk with my friends and classmates to coordinate the university works, to share my pictures and videos and to play the games the site offers.
I like just facebook beacuse it meets a lot of activities of other sites in one single, making it a versatile and addictive platform. Ok, I admit I´m addicted to facebook.
From last year I´ve used facebook to promote my hobbie. I make paper figures different kind of, most are cartoons, and I sell it.
You can see more on the figure´s facebook, here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/benjamin.alfarotorres
I hope you liked my first post, see you in the next class!!
And here are some pics of my figures and if you liked it don´t lose time and take charge.
P.S: Sorry for the delay.
"Skinner and Edna"

"Marvin the martian"
