miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

All my life I have liked to draw, when I was a child I dreamed to be cartoonist when I grew up. These wish remains in me all my childhood, but when I get in secondary this thinking began to change. I started to note that a job linked with cartoons wouldn´t give a good future in Chile. Then I decided to study something simply linked with drawing: Architecture. That is what I´m studying now. When I entered to the university I didn´t know what was the career, then the beginning was very difficult. But with the pass of the time I have taken the beat of the career and I really like it.
At present one of my favorite hobbies is making paper figures. In the future I really hope to work as an architect in chile or in the foreign with secondary occupation as sculptor. Always I have liked to create things and I think that both jobs would make me very happy.
Visiting London.
Making the London Web Quest I discovered an awesome place called  Madame Tussaud´s Wax Museum. I really liked this place because it shows a lot of wax figures of different artists, movie characters, cultural figures, world leaders and sports stars. What caught my atention was the video showed in the web page of the museum, it shows how the figures are made. It is located in the travel zone one of London, near the Baker Street station. The cost of one normal ticket for the day is £30.00. Once inside you can tour all the rooms decorated specifically for the different figures, these looks really real. I would like to visit this incredible place because I love to make figures and this wax figures looks awesome, it is an example to follow, I hope one day I can make figures of these quality.

Albert Einstein

Ema Watson

Jack Sparrow

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

Bodies the Exhibition.
I never have gone to a concert then I´m going to tell you about an exhibition I went to. It is called Bodies the exhibition, as many of you know it shows a lot of real bodies in perfect condition to be exposed to the people. It was on 2008 when I was in the secondary and I visited the exposition with my classmates.
We traveled from Rancagua to Santiago to see the presentation which was made in "Espacio Kennedy" of "Parque Arauco". We stayed there all day long walking around the mall.
The exhibition consists in a lot of pieces of the human body, the different systems (separated and mixed), the most impresive was the circulatory system, that looked like a big red web. All the organs were exposed, some of them showed serious diseases, that was very shocking. Other mountages shows bodies dissected in different places appreciating interestings views.
The sample was made by the amerian company "Premier Exhibition" and was made possible to expose by the sponsorship of Medicine School of University of Chile, providing trained students as monitors of the show.
I still remember that because it was very interesting, amazing and specially educational for the biology course of the school. I remember the teacher making a lot of questions to everyone even many days after the trip. Also at this time I have never seen an exhibition of such magniude and global importance.
See you in the next class!

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

A Beach.
Today I´m goint to tell you about a beach I really like. It is Quintero, it is ubicated in the central litoral of Chile specifically in fifth region. I visit Quintero every summer as I can . I go to this beach to meet my cousins, because I love them so much. We have a lot of fun, visiting the different locations and the little beaches of the zone, some of them are " El Papagayo", "Las Conchitas", "Las Cañitas", "El Damasco", "El Manzano".
An interesting place to visit is called "La cueva del pirata", this place is amazing, it is a natural fissure carved in stone by the erosion of wind and the ocean. This cave have a myth very interesting, it talks about the corsair Francis Drake also called "Red Beard" by the color of his facial hair. The histoy tell behind the pass of the pirat for the central litoral, who pillaged and stole a lot of wealths, he hidden away a part of his treasures in the cave. With the pass of the years too many people have searching the treasure,finding nothing.
I really like Quintero for the beauty beaches with white sands, the forests, the histories and  mainly beacuase I meet with mi cousins, there is no better thing than enjoy a nice place with the family.
Me, my sister and my cousins playing " La ronda de San Miguel" in the beach "Los Enamorados".

My cousin and her daughter in "La cueva del pirata".