jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

A Piece of Art.

Since some years ago I like the sculpture, then the piece of art I´m going to tell you is part of this area.
It is called "Earth Orbit"(1996) by the chilean sculptor Sergio Castillo. The first time I saw it was in 2010, in the course called "Forma y Espacio" with teacher Hugo Rivera. We visited a place called "Parque de las Esculturas" and the sculpture was in exhibition. All the sculptures of Castillo are maden in steel and I like his work beacause it is a difficult material to work and he get exellent and beautiful results. Specifically I like this work beacuse the fact how Castillo achieves so much expressivity and plasticity to the steel. I like the way how the sheets of steel surround the earth, it looks like they were moving. I also like the relieves over the earth, it looks awesome.
What makes it better than other works is the way how the material was worked and the results achieved like shine and purity of the steel.

"Earth Orbit" by Sergio Castillo.
Another work I like of the same sculptor is "Third World"(1972), it is ubicated in the cultural center GAM and the first time I saw it was in 2010 too when the center opened. In this work Castillo achieves expressivity with other material treatment. It looks really fantastic too. I also like this work beacuase you can interact with the piece making it spin arround.

"Third World" by Sergio Castillo.

miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013

A Place to Eat.
One of my favorites food is "Chorrillana", the first time I ate this was many years ago, since  I really love it and it is the first food I think to order when I go out to eat. When I known what is the best place to serve this dish, I have wished to visit it. It is called "J-Cruz" a popular restaurant ubicated in Valparaiso, in Condell street near the "Plaza Victoria". It is a beatiful restaurant and museum, it shows a lot of historical objects collected through many years. It also relates the history of generations through the walls full with messages written by people that have visited this place.
This restaurant serves tipical and popular chilean food, but the star dish is "Chorrillana", the reason why it restaurant is so famous and everyone visit it. I never have visited this restaurant but I really would like to eat there, because here "Chorrillana" was created and also because I have seen pics of the dishes and they are the biggest I have ever seen, it looks really tasty, just thinking about it I get hungry. I will visit this place one day and I will leave my own message in the walls.

miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013

Someone I really would like to meet.

Today I´m going to tell you about a woman that I really would like to meet. She is part of the film world, I´m talking about Natalie Portman. I would like to meet her because since I saw her as Padme Amidala in Star Wars I fell in love with her. She´s my platonic love of actress because she´s so beutiful.
For who don´t know her she´s an Israeli actress named Natalie Hershlag but her artistic name is Natalie Portman. She was born in June 9 of 1981. She have starred some films like "V for vendetta"(2005), "Black Swan"(2010), "Thor" (2011), but my favorite films are: Star Wars: Epidode I - The phantom menace, Star Wars: Episode II - Atack of the clones and Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the sith, in this three movies she looks really beauty.
If I would meet her I would talk about her job in the movies and how she prepares to afront a new character. I also would talk about what signified for her career the rol of Padme in Star Wars. And what I would do whit her, simply I think I would watch her for a long time hypnotised by her beauty, I would enjoy the simply fact of meet her.

Natalie Portman as Padme Amidala in "Star Wars".

BBC Learning English Website Review.

In one of first weeks without classes, the teacher Simon didn´t have anything prepared to do in the class. Then he suggested us to visit the BBC learinng english website to practice and learning the languaje.
I really liked it because it has a lot of different things to show us. For example it has articles to read, news, themes like sports, weather, culture and TV, grammar games between others. It is a website very easy to navigate cause it is very organized and clear. The part of the website I most liked was "Gramar, vocabulary and pronunciation", specifically "Today's phrases", these are quotidian expressions or sayings in english.
In the class I read some phrases like: "The big cheese", "In the palm of my hand", "Money doesn´t grow on trees". What I didn´t like a little bit of website was the crosswords of the tab called "Quizzes" because they are repetitive and with time it becomes boring.
I really think that website is a useful learning tool to learn new words and get to know the languaje beacuase it is a website very entertaining. I also think when I want to read notices and articles in english I will visit again the website, in fact to write this post I visited again the website and I read another expressions: "Break the ice" and "Checkmate".