miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013

BBC Learning English Website Review.

In one of first weeks without classes, the teacher Simon didn´t have anything prepared to do in the class. Then he suggested us to visit the BBC learinng english website to practice and learning the languaje.
I really liked it because it has a lot of different things to show us. For example it has articles to read, news, themes like sports, weather, culture and TV, grammar games between others. It is a website very easy to navigate cause it is very organized and clear. The part of the website I most liked was "Gramar, vocabulary and pronunciation", specifically "Today's phrases", these are quotidian expressions or sayings in english.
In the class I read some phrases like: "The big cheese", "In the palm of my hand", "Money doesn´t grow on trees". What I didn´t like a little bit of website was the crosswords of the tab called "Quizzes" because they are repetitive and with time it becomes boring.
I really think that website is a useful learning tool to learn new words and get to know the languaje beacuase it is a website very entertaining. I also think when I want to read notices and articles in english I will visit again the website, in fact to write this post I visited again the website and I read another expressions: "Break the ice" and "Checkmate".

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